Jeri-Lynn Johnson
Author of five books:
52 Nice Things to Say to Make Someone Happy
What to Say When ...for Latter-day Saints, Jeri-Lynn Johnson and Amy Jones
What to Say When...Appropriate Responses for Every Situation, Jeri-Lynn Johnson and Amy Jones
Your Temple Wedding: A guide to planning, preparing and celebrating your special day, Jeri & Amy Jones
Charitable Organizations:
Two years on the Women’s Board of United Cerebral Palsy in San Diego
A life member of the Beach and Country Guild of United Cerebral Palsy
Ten years as an active member of the Crippled Children’s Society in Pasadena
Fourteen years with Five Acres (a home for abused children in Pasadena)
Nine years with the National Charity League (Founding member of the San Diego Del Norte Chapter). Included volunteer service to convalescent homes, Children’s Hospital, public libraries, Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, etc.
Seven years as a volunteer at the Special Olympics
Member of the Legislative Action Committee in San Marino
Member of Wells Fargo Bank’s Urban Action Task Force
Wells Fargo Bank’s company coordinator for the tutorial component of the Voluntary Action Center in Los Angeles
Brownie and Girl Scout leader
Y.W.C.A. Girls Camp leader
PTA President of Carver Elementary School, San Marino (Awarded Best PTA in
PTA Council – Legislation Chairman
Parent Volunteer: Room mother, curriculum lab volunteer, Library Chairman, Resource Center volunteer, art docent, field trip river, science fair volunteer, bike safety lane day volunteer, carnival worker, read aloud volunteer, all city track meet volunteer, parent chaperone for Boston and Washington D.C. trips, etc.
Five years as Relief Society President of the Del Mar Ward (longest serving president in Stake since formation in 1950’s)
Nine years teaching Primary
Spiritual Living teacher
Ward Activities Chairman
Road Show Director
Girls Camp leader
Served on the presidencies of Primary, Young Women & Relief Society
Service Awards:
Nominated as an Outstanding Young Woman of America
Received an honorary community service award from San Marino for outstanding service to the community
Gold Nugget Award for outstanding service to Carver Elementary School.
Matthew 6:1-4 says, “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them…” If I believe this scripture (which I do) why did I include all my service for all to see? I didn’t do it to brag about what I’ve done. I did it to inspire you all to follow my footsteps and quit making excuses why you can’t serve others. It is all about your priorities. When you fail to serve others you are telling Heavenly Father that you really don’t care. If you cared, you’d make time. There is always time to do what you really want to do. If you have small children, go to youngmothersservingothers for ideas. Remember, your family ALWAYS comes first. After you have met their needs, look for ways you can serve others.
I do believe this scripture and I have lived by it. Very few people have known what I’ve done. I donate money anonymously. I have had friends who want to know what they will get for their donation before they donate. Will the list be published in the newspaper? Will they get recognition in the program at the benefit? Will they get special seating? Etc. Don’t be like that. If it is a good cause that you believe in and want to help, just give from your heart. Give money or give time. Both is needed.
My Websites:
My Blogs:
Nobody Cares What This Old Geezer Thinks
"The Lord doesn’t expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn’t (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can—that we work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be."
--Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Two Principles for Any Economy", Ensign, Nov 2009, 55–58